Bush in White Sands N M

Tire Tracks in the Sand
White Sands NM

Strip of Nature
Bosque Del Apache, NM

A Sketch of Trees
Bosque Del Apache, NM, multiples

Dreamy Forest

Blue Dawn
Death Valley, CA


Fall Foliage, Red Rock
Red Rock State Park, UT 2010

Blue Rock
Lower Calf Creek, UT, 2010

Aspens and Rabbit Bush
Sunglow Campground, UT, 2010

Grand Wash
Capitol Reef, UT, 2010

Canyon Wall and juniper
Capitol Reef, UT, 2010

Capitol Reef NP, 2010

Sandstone and rabbit bush
Capitol Reef NP,2010

tree silhouetted against sandstone
Arches NP, 2010